Profil von Christy Lundy

Temping for the One Percent

Client: The New Republic
Art Director: Robert A. Di Ieso

Narrative illustration about a woman who temped as a receptionist at financial institutions for two years before the pandemic struck. It's an intimate examination of what daily life is like for the 1 percent, and what their office spaces mean to them—especially relevant now that they are no longer there. Article written by Sophie Madeline Dess.
"It might be that one’s sense of self-worth is inextricably wrapped in one’s sense of space. How do these titans of finance feel about themselves without the daily experience of grandeur? Without doors opening before them, one by one, reinforcing their conviction that literally nothing obstructs their path? Without people like me?"  — Sophie Madeline Dess
Rough sketches:
Temping for the One Percent

Temping for the One Percent

Narrative illustration examining how daily life has changed for New York's elite businessmen during the pandemic. For The New Republic.
