Lajin is a Saudi company specialized in organizing exhibitions and forums
Their main goal is to cultivate trust in those who deal with them and link all things to the other, which is what we are trying to present by creating a visual identity for them.

Exhibitions are your chance to show off. Whether you’re showcasing a product, a skill or a service, these events are designed to provide you with the perfect platform to present your business at it's best.
These events are unique in that they offer a place to capture qualified clients or leads face-to-face. Attendees will attend an exhibit because the content/offering will supply them with something they are actively seeking. For example, a wedding exhibition attendee is likely to seek suppliers/information for their forthcoming wedding and a marketing exhibition attendee is likely to work in marketing.

We try to connect the visual identity of Lajin more to reality and to rely more on our designs to link them to their customers

Lajin - Branding


Lajin - Branding

Lajin is a Saudi company specialized in organizing exhibitions and forums Their main goal is to cultivate trust in those who deal with them and l Læs mere
