In two evenings of July 12 and 13, Apparati Effimeri presented a projection on the venerable plane trees of Montagnola Park. The event was a part of Montagnola Music Club festival and bè bolognaestate 2013. 
The creative team, together with the Bolognese cultural association La Wunder, has been conducting for a while a research on the vegetal world that started with an approach to Ulisse Aldrovandi's herbaria of the project Linfa Vitale per Bologna Estate 2011. On that occasion, Apparati Effimeri also made the first test projection on trunks and foliage of the trees of the Botanical Garden of Bologna, experimenting with their evocative and imaginative potential. After having a performance for Romaeuropa Festival with the composition of a garden inside the palace of 'Ex Gil, the garden projection was finally realized in the open air, in a municipal park of Bologna. This time, however, the inspiration does not come from large volums of Natural Sciences but from the ancient legends of the woods and the enchanted fairy world and the little characters that animate them. The garden projection "Incanto mutevole" ("Changeable Enchantment") has transformed the Montagnola Park in a pop-up book, immersing viewers in a contemporary fairy tale illustrated by Nazli Tahvili and Amin Hassanzadeh, modeled and animated in three dimensions by Apparati Effimeri, set to music by the duo Kousagi Project . It is a collaborative effort that involved some of the artistic excellence (not only Italian) on the territory of Bologna. Nazli Tahvili and Amin Hassanzadeh Iranian illustrators who have received numerous international awards for the quality of publications produced by the publishing house Shabaviz.
This year again the sound design was entrusted to Kousagi Project, the Italian-Japanese electro-acoustic duo that Apparati Effimeri is developing a true artistic partnership with.

Animation: Federico Bigi, Marco Grassivaro, Miguel Angel D'Errico / Illustrations: Nazli Tahvili, Amin Hassanzadeh Sharif / Sound design: Kousagi Project / Art consultant: La Wunder / Project manager: Elisa Paluan
Thanks to: bè bolognaestate 2013; Comune di Bologna; Gruppo Montagnola; Valentina Lanza ; Tommaso Fiorini ; Lena Manylova

