SERVICED is an exploration into digitalisation and the potential effects it has on romantic love.
Shot in Ramsvik, Sweden, we see one woman's journey who when plucked from obscurity, finds herself at at the mercy of the one thing we cannot control. Love.
A conceptual and innovative take on the traditional documentary, SERVICED aimed to turn the archetypal documentary on its head for the online community while remaining at its core an acutely well researched and executed piece of contemporary journalism. 
Featuring interviews with Joel Simkahi - CEO GRINDR 
Dr. Lucy Brown : Clinical Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Daniel Miller : PhD, Anthropology and Archaeology UCL
Dr. Ted Fischer : Professor of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University
Dr. Leanna Wolfe : Sexologist and Anthropologist
Lisa Appignanesi : Journalist and Author ‘All About Love’
Director and Producer : Christopher Cunniff
Camera : Christopher Cunniff
Editor : Christopher Cunniff