Macarena Luzi 님의 프로필

Selected Rugs

This is a collection of rugs I crafted over the last year. 
I explored heights, shapes, materials, types of wool, textures, colors and more. 
The more I do, the more I feel connected to this universe. 

Most of the designs are mine but along the way I had amazing collaborations like 

Creating a rug from scratch, thread by thread, can be a long process. I found hand tufting as an approachable technique that allows me to experiment with textile objects and create unique pieces. Textile design can be fun and beautiful and I’m all about that.  Every rug is handmade with lots of love and quality materials in my home studio. 

The next rug was a collaboration with Illustrator Justyna Stasik.
"What did you have for lunch?"

The following piece was made in collaboration with Illustrator Amber Vittoria.
"Such a beautiful day"
The next rug was a commissioned piece done with Illustrator Malika Favre.

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Selected Rugs

Selected Rugs
