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SetLogik Blog Post: The Trouble With Data

Big Bad Data Problems Can Be Managed
The Trouble with Data: Managing Data Quality Blog Post

In the maelstrom of daily B2B activity, data changes, grows, goes out of date, and needs continual verification. Companies move, employees change jobs, mergers and acquisitions happen. Typographic errors occur, bogus information is provided, or users forget their login information and create another login account. Sales and marketing are constantly challenged by poor data quality.

Cumulatively, all of these scenarios create a big, bad, dirty data problem. With Terabytes of B2B Big Data captured each day, it is no surprise that poor data quality ultimately undermines the effectiveness of marketing and sales activities.  Investments in marketing automation platforms that track user activity and marketing actions aren’t able to produce the highest return on investment with poor quality data. While, data doesn’t always keep up with the flurry of activity; the activity also cannot keep up with data that is not properly managed. Time spent managing and confirming contact data ultimately reduces the speed to close a lead.

To fight the bad data problem, companies have spent exorbitant amounts of money trying to make sense of their data by building internal warehouse and data cleansing solutions, outsourcing data quality management to expensive services, and implementing resource-intensive master data management plans. According to a recent Aberdeen Group survey, “forty-five percent (45%) of organizations rely on manual methods, such as spreadsheets or individual databases, to manage and store their master data”. Many of these companies have less than $500M in annual revenue.  

Could your company benefit from an on-demand, cloud-based solution that ensures that your marketing and sales teams have the cleanest, most effective data possible?

SetLogik provides the scalable, on-demand, cloud-based B2B solution that allows smaller enterprises and large companies alike to manage data that is continuously monitored and cleansed in a centralized data hub. Master data is kept up-to-date and synchronized so that the best data is available at the point of use.  Good data opens the door to accurate insights and revenue lifting predictive analytics. Good data increases cost-saving and operational efficiency. Good data is good for B2B business.

SetLogik Blog Post: The Trouble With Data

SetLogik Blog Post: The Trouble With Data


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