Cover of publication 
'NO FACE NO HATE' was a university competition project for Creative Conscience student awards. Creative Conscience stated  the project needed to cover one of five topics.
I chose the topic Equality.

After researching different types of Equality, I chose Stereotyping and how and why people stereotype one another. It was clear from research, many stereotypes are based on physical appearance. Therefore my concept for the project was to place paper bags over people's heads. This is weird and unexpected, but the hope was people would be amused seeing an image of someone covering their face, with a bag of all things.

To develop the idea further, models were tasked with writing on their bag, detailing their qualities, skills and whatever else they wanted to be judged on, rather than their appearance. People seem to commonly judge hairstyle or colour, skin colour, gender, how old you look etc...

Imagine a bag is placed over everyones head with their key skills displayed, this removes judgements of facial features and stereotyping and thus prevents people from being biased, simply on how the person naturally looks.

Publicaton scopes in on participants and whats important about them
Bus station billboard
Looks are deceiving
Why should someones race matter?
Merchandise T-shirts to help support the movement on what people should be judged on.
As part of the project i created Zine giving you creative wordplay on scenarios of stereotyping/labeling one another. Showing you that stereotyping is based on ignorance.​​​​​​​
No face No hate


No face No hate

NO FACE NO HATE project focused on stereotyping and equality.
