Lets make interaktive installation, which will process uploaded to Instagram photoes in a real time.
So users can download photoes to Instagram on event, with a special TAG, and see how system will process them.
request 4 photos from Instagram, get all related information (profile picture, name of author, caption).
Apply some effect, animate it.
First results
Tag: finearts.
Allright, task is completed, but to present results for you, i need to make video ))
Lets, create main story and titles.
What if write main titles on paper? photo it, and put to 3d scene?
3d scene preparation
booth for processed results
Final result
See you
Instagram Processed Art

Instagram Processed Art

Creation of interactive installation based on processing images based on tags. Used tags: bhsad, pretty, seashore, Gauguin, architechture, finear 자세히 보기
