Ladies and gentlemen!
Here I present to you my entry for the 2020 Concept Art Awards Contest.
To the Independent Character concept art category.
I really loved involving into this project such as developing it from scratch to end.
I was inspired mainly in the aztec/antique Mexican culture to create all the visuals.
The concept runs around the idea of four 'superheroes' that are the defenders of the Earth ('Tlali' in Nahuatl language).
If you TRULY like this concept art, please do me a favor and support me by clicking the thumbs up icon! I'll be so glad!
Thanks a ton, and blessings to all of you! :D

Tlali Defenders Concept Art


Tlali Defenders Concept Art

Ladies and gentlemen! Here I present to you my entry for the 2020 Concept Art Awards Contest. To the Independent Character concept art category. Další informace
