Perfil de Ethan Bishop

University of Leeds - Smokefree Campus Video

During 2019, the University of Leeds ran a short film competition inviting students to create a 60-second piece to communicate key messages, regarding their new SmokeFree campaign. The campaign was created, to de-steer students from smoking on the University campus. I worked alongside a fellow course mate, to create our depiction of what this might look like.

To evoke a sense of motion and visually convey how the campaign would affect the entire campus, we were lucky enough to gain access to a drone, to film some of the video. These wide shots, help to convey just the scale of the University.
University of Leeds - Smokefree Campus Video

University of Leeds - Smokefree Campus Video

This video was created for use by the University Of Leeds, explaining their new smoking policy, which came into effect from August 1st 2019. The Leer más



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