Profilo di Ankur Khamesra

“Smararaari” - 48”x48” - Oil Painting on Cavas

“Smararaari” - 48”x48” #oiloncanvas

What is the root of all the sufferings o' mother? What is the root of all the cycles?

Desires my child. its desires. Your mind is a slave of desires. 

Can desires be destroyed?

Yes. But by the one who is beyond desires.
One who lives in the cremation ground where desires are destroyed. 

Who is he whom you talk about?

He has unending names as references, but not one is complete enough to describe him. 

So it's a "he"?

"He" is just a reference. But one whom I speak about is complete in itself. 
"He" is not complete neither is "she". But where "he" and "she" ends, there it lies. 

It lies in the unison or in the ending?

My child, it ends everything by completing them. It ends all the desires by completing them. There is nothing left after it. 
It ends the line of difference between a "he" and a "she" by uniting them. 
He's an absolute, a singularity, a perfection that ceases to exist. 

How does he look like?

He is chit-anand. A state of absoluteness where there is no happiness yet no sorrow. Where surge of emotions don't trouble you anymore. 
He is the creator of tapas - the primordial fire that creates, nurtures and destroys - countless universes 
He sits on a thousand petal lotus call Sahasrar, whose stem is the Kundalini itself. 
He sits in absoluteness. In nothingness. 
He has no clothes. He wears all the 10 directions as his clothes.
He has no face. He takes faces of the seekers that seek him. 

Have there been such seekers?

Many my child. One of them being Raavan - the great daemon king. While one was great sage Markandeya. All of them found him in a different form in a different way. Or shall I say that when they stopped searching and trying, but just surrendered, he found them. 

How do I find him? 

Beware my child, if you go to him with a desire, you may not find him. 
Don't search him with any desire, not even with the desire to end all desires. not even with the desire for him. 

Then how o mother....

Stop searching. Just believe and try turning into nothing. He will come finding you. 
“Smararaari” - 48”x48” - Oil Painting on Cavas

“Smararaari” - 48”x48” - Oil Painting on Cavas
