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Perfil de Danish Ali ✪

Danish Ali ✪

User Experience Designer | User Interface Designer | Product Designer | UX UI Design | Interaction Designer

Remote work only

San Francisco, CA, USA

Contratar Danish

Website Design
Website Design

De US$10

Website design involves the process of creating visually appealing and functional websites. It encompasses various elements such as layout, color scheme, typography, and imagery to deliver an engaging user experience. Effective website design integrates user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) principles to ensure ease of navigation and accessibility. Designers use tools like graphic design software and coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring designs to life. The goal of website design is to convey information, promote products or services, and encourage user interaction in an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive manner.

Less than a week

7 concepts, 10 revisions

App Design

De US$10

App design UI/UX refers to the process of creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces for mobile applications, focusing on both user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) aspects. UI design involves crafting the look and feel of the app, including elements such as layout, typography, color schemes, and iconography. It aims to create a visually cohesive and aesthetically pleasing interface that effectively communicates the app's purpose and functionality to users.

Less than a week

6 concepts, 10 revisions

Dashboard design
Dashboard design

De US$10

Dashboard design involves creating visual interfaces that display key information, data, and metrics in a clear, concise, and intuitive manner. Dashboards are used to provide users with a snapshot view of relevant data, allowing them to monitor performance, track progress, and make informed decisions. Effective dashboard design considers factors such as user needs, data visualization techniques, and usability principles to present complex information in a digestible format. Designers focus on organizing information logically, choosing appropriate charts and graphs, and incorporating interactive elements for exploration and analysis. The goal of dashboard design is to empower users to quickly understand data trends, identify insights, and take action based on the information presented.

Less than a week

8 concepts, 10 revisions

Wireframe Design

De US$10

Wireframe design is a fundamental step in the website or application development process. It involves creating a skeletal framework that outlines the basic structure and layout of a digital product. Wireframes are typically low-fidelity representations, focusing on the placement of key elements such as content, navigation, buttons, and forms without detailing design aesthetics. Wireframes serve several purposes: Structural Planning: They help define the hierarchy and organization of content and features, ensuring a logical flow for users. Iterative Design: Wireframes allow for rapid iteration and refinement of ideas before investing time in high-fidelity designs. Communication Tool: They facilitate communication between designers, developers, and stakeholders by providing a visual reference for discussing and validating concepts. User Experience (UX) Testing: Wireframes can be used to conduct usability testing and gather feedback on the functionality and usability of a product early in the design process.

Less than a week

7 concepts, 10 revisions

User Persona Design
User Persona Design

De US$10

User persona design involves creating fictional representations of target users based on research and data analysis. These personas encapsulate key characteristics, behaviors, needs, and goals of different user segments. By humanizing the target audience, personas help designers and developers better understand and empathize with users, guiding decision-making throughout the design process. Key aspects of user persona design include: Demographic Information: Age, gender, occupation, education level, and other relevant demographic details. Goals and Objectives: The primary objectives users aim to achieve when interacting with the product or service. Challenges and Pain Points: Common obstacles or frustrations users encounter in accomplishing their goals. Behaviors and Preferences: Typical behaviors, habits, and preferences that influence user interactions. Contextual Insights: Information about the user's environment, motivations, and decision-making factors.

Less than a week

7 concepts, 10 revisions

Landing page design
Landing page design

De US$10

Landing page design focuses on creating a single web page optimized to achieve a specific goal, such as capturing leads, promoting a product, or encouraging a particular action from visitors. It involves careful consideration of layout, content, imagery, and calls-to-action (CTAs) to engage visitors and drive conversions. Effective landing page design incorporates elements of persuasive copywriting, compelling visuals, and intuitive navigation to guide users toward the desired action. The design should be clear, concise, and visually appealing to capture attention and encourage user interaction. A well-designed landing page can significantly impact conversion rates and overall marketing success.

Less than a week

8 concepts, 10 revisions