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Daniel Sheils

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Sound Design for Mobile Apps
Sound Design for Mobile Apps

À partir de US$2,000

Description: In a world of endless apps, stand out with impeccable sound design. Whether it’s the subtle ‘ping’ of a notification or the satisfying click of a button, the right sonic touch can enhance user engagement and elevate your app's overall aesthetic. With extensive experience in the auditory realm, I offer tailored sound design that intertwines seamlessly with your app’s functionality, ensuring an intuitive and immersive user experience. What's Included: Personalized Consultation: We'll kick off with a deep dive into your app – understanding its purpose, target audience, and the mood you wish to set. This foundational understanding ensures the soundscape resonates perfectly with your vision. Diverse Sound Library: I'll tap into a rich library of sound effects, ambient noises, and unique audio elements, ensuring we find the ideal sonic match for each aspect of your app. Custom Creations: If the perfect sound doesn't exist, I'll craft it. Customized audio elements ensure your app has a distinct and memorable auditory identity. Optimization for Devices: Sounds will be meticulously optimized for various devices – from smartphones to tablets, ensuring consistency and clarity across the board. High-Quality Delivery: You'll receive all sound elements in top-notch, high-definition audio formats, primed for integration into your app. Royalty-Free Peace of Mind: All provided sounds come with the assurance of being royalty-free. Use them freely without any future licensing concerns. Iterative Process: Post initial sound design, I'll engage with you for feedback. This iterative process ensures the final audio landscape aligns flawlessly with your app's vision. Why Choose This Sound Design Service for Apps? User Experience Boost: Sound can make or break user experience. Precision-crafted sound design ensures users stay engaged and delighted. Expert Touch: Benefit from specialized expertise in app sound design, ensuring your app not only looks good but sounds phenomenal. Tailored Approach: Every app is unique, and so should its sound. I pride myself on crafting soundscapes that reflect the app's character and purpose.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 2 revisions

AI Music Video
AI Music Video

À partir de US$2,000

Harness the power of advanced technology with AI-driven music video creation. This service merges the innovative capabilities of AI with traditional video design principles, ensuring a visual representation that truly complements your musical creation. Offered at a competitive price, this approach provides the quality of high-end video productions without the associated costs. What's Included: Initial Consultation: We'll commence with a comprehensive discussion to understand your musical vision, the desired aesthetic, and any particular themes you wish to incorporate. State-of-the-Art AI Tools: I utilize cutting-edge AI technologies that help in generating captivating and diverse visual elements for your music video. Bespoke Design Approach: Recognizing that each musical piece has its own essence, the AI will suggest a variety of visual scenes and transitions. Post-generations, you will have the opportunity to review, provide feedback, and make modifications to align with your vision. High-Caliber Visuals: The service guarantees visuals that are not only appealing but also synergize seamlessly with your music, be it through patterns, landscapes, or innovative designs. Optimal Output Quality: The final video will be made available in your preferred resolution, be it full HD or 4K, ensuring compatibility across platforms and devices. Clear Licensing: All visual components generated are royalty-free, allowing you complete rights to the video without any subsequent licensing concerns. Efficient Turnaround: Leveraging AI technology ensures a quicker production process. You can expect a draft of your video within a predetermined timeframe, with revisions made in a timely manner based on your feedback. Advantages of the AI-Enhanced Music Video Service: Innovative Edge: Position yourself distinctively in the music industry with a video that integrates the latest in technology and design. Cost Efficiency: Acquire a product of exceptional quality without the substantial financial outlay often associated with premium video production. Collaborative Essence: While the technology is advanced, the design process remains interactive. I am committed to working closely with you to guarantee every aspect resonates with your musical narrative.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Album Cover & Full Release Campaign Art Services
Album Cover & Full Release Campaign Art Services
Album Cover & Full Release Campaign Art Services

À partir de US$2,000

Music is more than just sound; it's an experience. And that experience is shaped not just by the melodies but by the visuals that accompany it. With this comprehensive service, I aim to provide a cohesive visual narrative for your album release – from the central album cover to the supportive campaign materials that ensure your music gets the recognition it deserves. What's Included: Initial Consultation: A conversation to understand your music, your vision, and the thematic elements you wish to convey. This ensures the visuals align with your musical narrative. Album Cover Design: A meticulously crafted cover that visually encapsulates the essence of your album. It’s the first thing listeners will see, and I aim to make it memorable. Banner Art Creation: Customized banners for platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube, ensuring your online platforms maintain a consistent visual identity. Flyer Design: Whether you have an album launch, a gig, or a promotional event, these flyers will serve as tangible extensions of your brand. Social Media Assets: Visuals tailored for your social channels, ensuring every post, every story aligns with the theme of your release. Merchandise Design Concepts: Should you wish to create merchandise, I'll provide streamlined designs that resonate with fans. Royalty-Free Assurance: Rest easy knowing all the visuals created are yours to use without any additional licensing worries. Feedback Rounds: Post the initial design phase, we'll engage in a review and refine process to ensure every piece is up to your standard. Why This Service? Consistency is Key: A unified visual narrative across all touchpoints strengthens brand recall and enhances the listener's experience. Balancing Art & Strategy: With a blend of design expertise and industry understanding, the visuals will be both aesthetically pleasing and strategically sound. Efficient Pricing: Availing this bundled service ensures you get a holistic package at a cost that delivers value.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 2 revisions