Vladyslav Nikiforovs profilbanner
Vladyslav Nikiforovs profil

Vladyslav Nikiforov

ART-Director, 3D Motion designer, UX/UI, Web-designer.

Azz:mov Studio


Anlita Vladyslav

Motion Design 3D | Cinematic | NFT
Motion Design 3D | Cinematic | NFT
Motion Design 3D | Cinematic | NFT

Från US$5

Witness the transformation of ideas into visual art, where typography comes to life and digital art takes center stage. Immerse yourself in the world of NFT, using our experience, and let your brand dance in the digital world. The process of creating a commercial in 3D includes several stages, starting with the formulation of the task and ending with the final compositing and sound design: 1. Task statement and briefing: - We will define the goals and objectives of the commercial, and a creative briefing is being prepared. In the briefing, specify the main requirements for the video, the target audience, key points and messages that should be conveyed. 2. Art direction: - We will develop a visual concept of the commercial based on a creative briefing. Let's define the style, the color palette, the composition of the scenes and the overall aesthetics of the video. 3. Blocking previsualization: - Create a previsualization of scenes, which includes blocking the movements of characters and the camera. - Let's determine the overall dynamics of the video and clarify its structure before creating the final animation. 4. Filling the scene: - Create and place all the necessary objects and assets in the scene, including character models, scenery, props and surroundings. This stage also includes work on animation and special effects. 5. Texturing and lighting: - Apply textures to the models of objects and characters, as well as adjust the lighting of the scenes. The goal is to create a realistic and attractive appearance for the video. 6. Compositing: - Various elements of the scene, including animation, special effects and textures, are combined into a single composition. We will add additional effects, color correction and other elements to create a high-quality and attractive video. 7. Sound design: - At the last stage, we will add the sound design of the commercial, including background music, sound effects and dialogues. This will help create an atmosphere and enhance the impact of the video on the audience. Each stage of the process plays an important role in creating a high-quality and attractive 3D commercial. All of them are interconnected and require close cooperation with our specialists, such as animators, texturing artists, composers and sound engineers.

Within 1 month

1 concept, 3 revisions

Landing page | Development
Landing page | Development
Landing page | Development

Från US$5

The creation of the Landing Page of the site and the layout of the Landing Page on the Webflow and Tilda platforms includes the following steps: 1. Planning and preparation: - Let's study the goals of the task that the Landing Page should solve. - We will define the target audience and create personas. - We will collect information about the product, service or offer that will be presented on the Landing Page. 2. Concept development: - Let's create a general concept and Landing Page strategy. - We will define the main elements of the page and their placement to effectively attract the attention and retain users. 3. Design: - We will create a Landing Page design that corresponds to the brand and the general style of the company. - We will develop a page layout taking into account its goals and features. 4. Layout: - We make up the Landing Page taking into account the adaptive design for optimal display on various devices. 5. Adding content and functionality: - Add text and visual content to the page. - We integrate feedback forms, action buttons (CTA), sliders and other elements to stimulate user actions. 6. Testing: - We will check the correctness of the display and functioning of all elements on different devices and in different browsers. - We will conduct tests of forms and other interactive elements for performance. 7. Optimization: - Optimize the page loading speed to improve the user experience. - We will check the page's compliance with SEO standards and the implementation of meta tags and micro-markup. 8. Publication and Analytics: - We will publish the Landing Page on the Webflow or Tilda hosting platform. - We will track the metrics and analytics of the results to evaluate the effectiveness of the page and its conversion. These steps help us to create a unique and attractive Landing Page that effectively performs its functions and attracts the target audience.

Within 1 month

1 concept, 3 revisions

Corporate website | Development
Corporate website | Development
Corporate website | Development

Från US$5

Creating a corporate website design and layout of multipage websites on the Webflow and Tilda platforms includes the following steps: 1. Planning and preparation: - We study the brandbook and company standards to determine the style and direction of design. - We discuss with the client the goals and requirements for the site, determine the structure and content of the pages. 2. Creating a design: - We develop design concepts reflecting the corporate style and values of the company. - We create layouts of the main page and additional pages, taking into account the customer's requirements. 3. Layout: - We are building a multi-page website using adaptive design to support various devices and screen resolutions. 4. Adding functionality: - Adding integration of interactive elements such as animations, sliders, feedback forms and others. - Customize navigation and links between pages to ensure user convenience. 5. Testing: - Checking the correctness of the display and operation of all elements of the site on different devices and in different browsers. - Testing the functionality of forms, links and other interactive elements. 6. Optimization: - Optimization of page loading to speed up the loading time of the site. - Checking the site's compliance with SEO standards and the introduction of meta tags and micro-markup. 7. Publishing and support: - Publishing a website on the Webflow or Tilda hosting platform. - Support and update the site as needed, including adding new content and bug fixes. These steps allow you to create a corporate website that reflects the style and values of the company, as well as provides user-friendliness for users.

Within 2 months

1 concept, 5 revisions

Online Store | Development
Online Store | Development
Online Store | Development

Från US$5

Creating the design of an online website store and its layout on the Webflow and Tilda platforms includes a number of key stages and processes that we use to create an attractive, functional and user-friendly online store. 1. Research and planning: - Analyze the market and competitors to understand trends and best practices in the design of online stores. - We determine the target audience and its needs. - We are planning the structure of the store, including product categories, product pages, shopping cart and checkout page. 2. Development of a visual concept: - We create the design of the main page of the store, taking into account the brand identity and business goals. - We develop the design of pages, product categories and product pages, including interface elements for easy navigation and viewing of products. 3. Design of interface elements: - We create the design of interface elements such as buttons, forms, filters, shopping cart, etc . - We develop user interface (UI) elements that will help improve the user experience and increase conversion. 4. Optimization for mobile devices: - We are developing an adaptive design that will look good and work on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. - We test the design on various devices and screens to ensure correct display. Layout of the online store: 1. Creating a project: - Creating a new project on the Webflow or Tilda platform. - Setting up basic project parameters such as adaptability and domain name. 2. Creating a page structure: - Creating the main pages of the store, such as the main page, product category pages, product pages and cart pages. - Layout of each page taking into account the design and user experience requirements. 3. Adding content and elements: - Add text and multimedia content to each page of the store. - We integrate the design elements of the interface on the corresponding pages. 4. Customize styles and Animations: - Customize CSS styles for each store page, including colors, fonts, sizes, etc . - Add animations and interactive effects to enhance the user experience. 5. Testing and optimization: - Testing the store on different devices and in different browsers. - Optimize the performance and loading speed of the store. - Solving any problems or errors that occur during the testing process. These steps help us to create a high-quality and professional online store on the Webflow and Tilda platforms, which provides ease of use and meets the needs of users.

Within 1 month

1 concept, 5 revisions