Caroline Edwards-Morrison

Judge (legal)

Spencerport, NY, USA
Away from her legal obligations, Caroline Edwards-Morrison finds her greatest joy and fulfillment in mentoring the youth and contributing to her community. Her engagement with students across the Rochester City School District, where she discusses career opportunities and the importance of making positive life choices, highlights her commitment to societal development. Her tenure as an Assistant District Attorney was also notable for her involvement in community support activities, such as organizing fundraisers for the Flower City Soccer League, participating in local voter registration drives, and contributing to Project T.I.P.S.

The narrative of her, from her prosecutorial work to her current role as a judge, exemplifies her relentless pursuit of justice and equality. Her contributions to the legal field and her community reflect a deep-seated commitment to fairness, compassion, and societal betterment. Beyond her professional accomplishments, her life is a beacon of the values of integrity, empathy, and service, profoundly impacting both the legal community and society at large.

Work Experience

County Court, Rochester, NY


January 2022 - Present Spencerport, New York, United States

City Court, Rochester, NY


January 2014 - December 2021 Spencerport, New York, United States