Profil Snezhana Beaues

Snezhana Beaues

Najmout osobu Snezhana

4 placené projekty na platformě Behance
Amazon Listing - Product Images and A+ Content
Amazon Listing - Product Images and A+ Content
Amazon Listing - Product Images and A+ Content

Od US$470

I will create a unique design of Amazon Listing for you and your business. The service includes: - up to 7 product images; - up to 7 images for A+ content.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Brand Identity | Start Brand
Brand Identity | Start Brand
Brand Identity | Start Brand

Od US$999

The Start Brand is a budget-friendly package for brands that want a completely unique and custom visual style without spending a lot of money or having lengthy discussions. The package includes: - Primary Logo (Logotype) - Secondary Logo (Logomark/Icon) - Color Scheme - Typography - Branded Visuals (business card, bag, T-shirt, etc.) - Social Media Avatar Details: 1. Product is based on a two-concept approach (you make choice on the Logo stage). 2. It includes 2 revisions, but you can purchase more if needed. Delivery time: Within 7 business days.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Logo Design | Start Brand
Logo Design | Start Brand
Logo Design | Start Brand

Od US$570

The package is designed for brands seeking a cohesive aesthetic without a significant financial commitment. With this offering, we begin by delving into your business and vision, crafting a tailored mini-identity that aligns with your brand. You'll receive the finalized files within 4 days, making it an ideal and cost-effective choice. The package includes: - Primary Logo (Logotype) - Secondary Logo (Logomark/Icon) - Color Scheme. Details: 1. Product is based on a two-concept approach. 2. It includes 2 revisions, but you can purchase more if needed. Delivery time: Within 4 business days.

Less than a week

2 concepts, 2 revisions