Audrey Bedart

CMF designer / Trends researcher

Lille, France

Work Experience


Lead designer - Color & Trend

- Design color harmonies for man, woman and child collections / apparel on player, racket, bag, shoes.
- Color forecast
- Trend forecast
- Competitive intelligence
January 2016 - France


Freelance Color & Trim Designer - Trend forecaster

I have a real instinct for colours, materials, proportions and trends. My strength is to be a polyvalent color & trim designer in various fields like mass market products and luxury goods. I love challenges, it is not fun if it is too easy
July 2014 - December 2015 France


Co founder - Art director - Color & Trim Designer - Trend forecaster

Catalystic is an agency dedicated to innovation.

We help you minimize the risks associated with innovation by defining new strategies and synergies to ensure the lasting impact of your business.
Our studies focus on the product, services, branding and trends forecasting in design.

Catalystic = a behavior observatory.
Through our methodology, we collect data and experiences from which we will make precise and appropriate solutions.

Providing a concrete answer to your needs
To expand our services, we start by understanding your needs and relate them to innovation, for a better product and brand development.

Anticipating your customer's needs!
To make sure to get into a "user" logic referred to industrial, we include in our specifications the findings of a careful observation of customer behavior.
(Conducted in collaboration with sociologists and anthropologists.)

Stimulating innovation within your team!
The success of a company depends on its ability to optimize its own resources. We have developed specific services in order to enhance internal culture of innovation, unite and inspire the creative potential of your team.
September 2012 - June 2014 France

Institut Supérieur De Design Rubika

Head of industrial design 1 & 2 Product and Transportation

- Education manager
- Teacher's recruitment
- Strategic thinking
- Project director
- Graphic tablet teacher
- Portfolio teacher
June 2008 - September 2012 Valenciennes, France


Automotive interior Designer - Color & Trim Designer

Prospective researches on car interior design. I worked for Volkswagen, my goal was to improve the kids' comfort in the car and to find how to entertain them during long trips.
2006 - 2007 Germany


Footwear CMF Manager

October 2020 - Present Annecy, France