Profilbanneret til Anton Yurkov
Anton Yurkov sin profil

Anton Yurkov

Ansett Anton

UI/UX Design / Web Design / App Design
UI/UX Design / Web Design / App Design
UI/UX Design / Web Design / App Design

Fra US$1,500

Our meticulous web and app design process blend creativity, functionality, and user-centric principles to bring your vision to life. Here's how we make the magic happen: 1. Discovery: We kick off by immersing ourselves in your goals and user expectations. Understanding your brand and target audience lays the foundation for a design strategy that resonates with your users. 2. Wireframing: With insights in hand, we create wireframes – blueprints that outline the structure and functionality of your digital space. This step ensures a clear roadmap for the design and development phases. 3. Design Concepts: Our design team transforms wireframes into stunning visual concepts. This is where your brand identity and user experience merge, resulting in intuitive interfaces and eye-catching aesthetics. 4. Prototyping: Before diving into full development, we craft interactive prototypes. This allows you to experience the flow and functionality of your web or app design, ensuring that every element aligns seamlessly with your objectives. 5. Development: Once the design is approved, our development team takes the reins. We bring your digital vision to life, ensuring responsive, user-friendly, and technically sound web and app solutions.

Within 2 months

2 concepts, 2 revisions


Fra US$600

1. Discovery: We begin by diving deep into understanding your business, values, and aspirations. Through in-depth discussions and market analysis, we uncover the essence of what makes your brand unique. 2. Strategy: With insights in hand, we craft a strategic roadmap that aligns with your goals. This involves defining your target audience, refining your messaging, and outlining a plan to set you apart in a crowded market. 3. Design: Our creative team takes the strategic blueprint and turns it into a visual masterpiece. From logos to color schemes, we create a cohesive and visually appealing brand identity that resonates with your audience. 4. Development: With your approval, we bring the designs to life across various platforms. Whether it's your website, social media, or print materials, we ensure consistency to build a strong and recognizable presence.

Within 1-2 weeks

5 concepts, 2 revisions