Aniruddha Nazre


Sunnyvale, CA, USA

Work Experience

Group Manager, Business Development

Group Manager, Business Development: In charge of business development group (25 FTEs) of the orthopedic trauma business that accounted for 75% of total company sales of $260 million
 Identified and assessed new technologies in areas of computer assisted surgery, minimal invasive surgery and bioabsorbable materials and devices
 Managed the LISS project from concept to market (Less Invasive Stabilization System reduced conventional surgical time for long bone trauma by 50%)
 Led the effort of managing marketing activities with distributors and subsidiaries in Western Europe and the Pacific Rim. Managed strategic client (surgeons, hospitals, and academic institutions) relations worldwide
1995 - 1996 Swaziland

Senior Research Engineer, Advanced Technology

Developed and implemented a new process for compression molding acetabular cups and knee components resulting in $2 million annual savings and improved quality. Received President’s award
 Published and presented over 10 articles in peer reviewed journals and major conference
1994 - 1995

Development Engineer

Launched 3 new trauma products in 2.5 years, increasing Zimmer’s trauma market share by 5%
 Co-managed clinical and pre-clinical studies and dealings with the FDA for all three product introductions
 Developed industry wide standards for testing bioabsorbable products by leading an ASTM task force
 Received 4 U.S. and 3 European patents on medical devices and related instrumentation
 On the board of Shakti, a non-profit organization created by the Hewlett Foundation to focus on Energy Policy in India
 U.S. and Indian Citizen
 Hobbies: 5k running, biking, squash, travel and learning languages
 Fluent in 5 languages (English, German, Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi)
 Married with 2 children
1991 - 1994