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Perfil de Ahmed Alabady

Ahmed Alabady

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Logo Design
Logo Design
Logo Design

Desde US$999

Elevate your brand with a logo designed to make an impact. Specializing in logo creation, I tailor designs to embody your brand’s essence and engage your audience. Let’s craft a logo that boosts your business forward. Connect to discover how a new logo can transform your brand’s presence. ----- Logo Design Process: Crafting Your Brand's Signature 01. Discovery & Briefing: Start with an in-depth questionnaire to fully understand your brand and its vision. 02. Moodboard Creation: Develop a visual moodboard to align on the aesthetic direction and inspiration. 03. Sketching: Hand-drawn sketches to explore various concepts and ideas. 04. Initial Designs in Black & White: Focus on form and composition without the distraction of color. 05. Revision & Refinement: Refine the designs, narrowing down to the best concepts. 06. Color Application: Apply color schemes that reflect your brand’s personality. 07. Mockup Application: Test the logo on various mock applications to ensure versatility. 08. Presentation: Present the top three logo concepts, discussing their strengths and alignment with your brand goals. 09. Client Collaboration: Work together to finalize the design and make any necessary adjustments. 10. Final Delivery: Provide all logo variations and files, including .ai, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, and .png, in both color and black & white.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Logo Design + Stationary
Logo Design + Stationary
Logo Design + Stationary

Desde US$1,999

Solidify your brand's identity with a cohesive logo and stationery suite that speaks volumes about your professionalism. Specializing in both logo creation and stationery design, I ensure your brand’s visual elements are harmoniously integrated across all touchpoints. From business cards to letterheads and envelopes, let’s create a unified look that boosts your brand’s credibility and stays memorable. Connect to see how a coordinated design can elevate your business’s entire presentation. ----- Integrated Branding Process: Logo & Stationery Design 01. Discovery & Briefing: Start with an in-depth questionnaire to fully understand your brand and its vision. 02. Moodboard Creation: Develop a visual moodboard to align on the aesthetic direction and inspiration for the branding. 03. Sketching: Hand-drawn sketches to explore various concepts and ideas for the logo design. 04. Initial Designs in Black & White: Focus on logo form and composition without the distraction of color to refine the core idea. 05. Refinement: Narrow down the designs to the best logo concepts. 06. Color Application: Apply color schemes that reflect your brand’s personality to the selected logo designs. 07. Mockup Application: Test the logo on various mock applications to ensure versatility across all platforms. 08. Presentation: Present the top three logo concepts, discussing their strengths and how they align with your brand goals. 09. Logo Selection and Approval: Collaborate with the client to select and approve the final logo, setting the foundation for the stationery design. 10. Stationery Design: Design stationery items as outlined in the project scope, ensuring consistency with the approved logo. 11. Final Adjustments: Work together to finalize the stationery design and make any necessary adjustments. 12. Final Delivery: Provide all logo variations and files (.ai, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, .png in both color and black & white) along with high-resolution stationery printing files.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Brand Identity
Brand Identity
Brand Identity

Desde US$2,999

Forge a powerful brand identity that captures the essence of your business and resonates with your target audience. Specializing in the comprehensive development of brand elements, I work closely with you to create a compelling visual narrative that encompasses logos, color schemes, typography, and branding materials. This integrated approach ensures consistency across all platforms, enhancing your brand's recognition and connection with customers. Connect to start shaping a distinctive and impactful brand identity today. ----- Complete Brand Identity Development: From Concept to Execution 01. Discovery & Briefing: Start with an in-depth questionnaire to fully understand your brand and its vision. 02. Moodboard Creation: Develop a visual moodboard to align on the aesthetic direction and inspiration for the branding. 03. Sketching: Hand-drawn sketches to explore various concepts and ideas for the logo design. 04. Initial Designs in Black & White: Focus on logo form and composition without the distraction of color to refine the core idea. 05. Refinement: Narrow down the designs to the best logo concepts. 06. Color Application: Apply color schemes that reflect your brand’s personality to the selected logo designs. 07. Mockup Application: Test the logo on various mock applications to ensure versatility across all platforms. 08. Presentation: Present the top three logo concepts, discussing their strengths and how they align with your brand goals. 09. Logo Selection and Approval: Collaborate with the client to select and approve the final logo, setting the foundation for the brand identity design. 10. Brand Identity Item Design: Design brand identity items as agreed in advance with the client based on each project's needs and nature, ensuring consistency with the approved logo. 11. Final Adjustments: Work together to finalize the brand identity items and make any necessary adjustments. 12. Final Delivery: Provide all logo variations and files (.ai, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, .png in both color and black & white) along with high-resolution files for the designed brand identity items.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Brand Naming

Desde US$999

Find the Perfect Name for Your Brand: Unlock your business’s potential with a name that stands out. I specialize in creating memorable and effective brand names by understanding your vision, researching the market, and crafting names that connect with your audience. Let’s create a name that fits your brand perfectly and sets you up for success. ----- Strategic Name Creation: Building Your Brand Foundation 01. Discovery & Briefing: Initiate the project with a deep dive into your brand’s core values, mission, target audience, and market positioning. This includes detailed discussions to capture all relevant aspects of your business and its aspirations. 02. Market Research: Analyze the market landscape, studying competitors, industry trends, and target audience behavior. This research helps identify naming conventions that are successful and those that are oversaturated within the market. 03. Creative Brainstorming: Engage in creative sessions to generate a broad list of potential names. This phase leverages different creative techniques such as free association, metaphorical thinking, and linguistic play to explore a wide range of ideas. 04. Name Evaluation: Assess the initial list of names based on various criteria such as relevance to brand messaging, ease of pronunciation, memorability, and emotional impact. 05. Domain Screening: Check the availability of domain names (with a focus on .com) 06. Feedback Rounds: Present a curated list of names to you and possibly other stakeholders for feedback. This may include informal focus groups or online surveys to gather broader insights. 07. Shortlisting: Refine the list based on feedback to narrow down to the top contenders. 08. Final Selection: Facilitate the final decision-making process, helping you choose the most compelling and strategic option that aligns with your brand identity and market positioning. 09. Brand Name Presentation: Deliver the final brand name along with a detailed rationale and suggestions for initial brand messaging and potential taglines. 10. Support in Domain Acquisition: Assist in the final steps of purchasing the domain, ensuring a smooth transition to brand launch.

Within 1-2 weeks

10 concepts, 3 revisions