Vistas de proyecto
Viva la Zoom is a video production company with a difference. Founded by Spanish film maker, Guille Ibanez, Viva la Zoom brings an intelligent, creative approach to make every project go with a zing!

Creative Director, Guille studied for an MA in Film and Media at Sheffield Hallam University, gaining a distinc… Leer más
Viva la Zoom is a video production company with a difference. Founded by Spanish film maker, Guille Ibanez, Viva la Zoom brings an intelligent, creative approach to make every project go with a zing!

Creative Director, Guille studied for an MA in Film and Media at Sheffield Hallam University, gaining a distinction. His passion for film, video and art is the driving force behind the fresh, original films that have become our trademark. Guille has several years experience of working in the new media and film industries and is joined at Viva la Zoom by a small team of excellent camera operators and film editors. Leer menos
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