Patrick Bedont


Irwin, PA, USA
If we humans fail to correct our current course towards oblivion, we do not stand much of a chance in the long run. With the mass extinctions of other human species imminent within the next century along with the antibiotic resistant bacteria currently evolving, mankind is not in for much of a treat. No animal species currently on Earth is, actually.

Yet, instead of advancing at the rate we should be and solving these problems with common sense, we are being impeded by the most corrupt and affluent 'humans' that want to control us for their own benefit. Just as it has been since the dawn of civilized man. If we do not educate ourselves and the others around us, I fear history will just keep repeating itself until we are nothing more than layers of bones in the Earth's mantle—just like the Dinosaurs.

Work Experience

Tepbian Kord Publishing

Publisher, Writer, Editor, Designer

Everything pertaining to 'The Last Mutineers', '@Prezidolia' (Presidential Pareidolia), '@PresidentialPs' (Presidential Portraits), and '@PresidentialQs' (Presidential Quotes) projects.
March 2014 - Present Pennsylvania, United States


Westmoreland County Community College

Associates in Electrical Engineering

I was institutionalized in a mediocre establishment of 'higher' education for two years. Hurray! I got a piece of paper for my awesome memorization skills. I could have done better had I not had to work the midnight shift at UPS to pay for the piece of paper. But that is the 'American Dream' I suppose...

Just remember that life is work.
Deal with it.
January 2008 - May 2010 Youngwood, Pennsylvania, United States


English (Native),


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro , Microsoft Office, ProTools, Windows Os,