Bannière de profil de Roman Fedorov
Profil appartenant à Roman Fedorov

Roman Fedorov

Art direction, 3d design, graphic design, art

Budva, Montenegro

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SMM Design
SMM Design
SMM Design

À partir de US$3,500

Welcome to Social Media Management (SMM) design services, where creativity meets digital strategy to enhance your online presence. I`m skilled designer specializing in creating visually compelling content tailored for social media platforms. Here's what I offer: Custom Graphics Creation: I design eye-catching graphics optimized for various social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. From engaging infographics to stunning promotional banners, I ensure your content stands out and captures your audience's attention. Branded Content Development: I integrate your brand identity seamlessly into every design, maintaining consistency across all your social media channels. Whether it's incorporating your logo, brand colors, or visual style, we ensure your content reflects your brand's personality and values. Social Media Posts: I craft engaging and shareable social media posts that drive interaction and encourage audience engagement. From quote graphics and question polls to carousel posts and video snippets, I help spark conversations and foster connections with your followers. Storytelling through Visuals: I believe in the power of storytelling, and my designs are crafted to convey your brand's narrative effectively. Through compelling visuals, I communicate your brand's message, showcase your products or services, and evoke emotion to resonate with your audience. Ad Campaign Graphics: Whether you're running Facebook ads, Instagram sponsored posts, or LinkedIn campaigns, I create attention-grabbing ad graphics that drive clicks and conversions. My designs are optimized to capture the audience's interest and compel them to take action. With SMM design services, I will help you elevate your social media presence and connect with your audience in meaningful ways. Let me transform your social media channels into vibrant showcases for your brand and drive results that matter.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Event design
Event design
Event design

À partir de US$2,500

Welcome to our event design services, where creativity meets functionality to bring your events to life. I`m experienced designer specializing in crafting immersive and memorable event experiences that leave a lasting impression on your guests. Here's what I offer: Concept Development: I work closely with you to understand your event objectives, audience, and theme, and then develop unique and innovative design concepts that align with your vision. Venue Transformation: Whether it's a corporate conference, gala dinner, or product launch, I have the expertise to transform any venue into a captivating and immersive environment that reflects your brand and captivates your guests. Thematic Design: From elegant and sophisticated to bold and eclectic, I conceptualize thematic designs that set the tone for your event and create a cohesive atmosphere from start to finish. Decor and Styling: I curate bespoke decor elements and styling details, including furniture, lighting, florals, and signage, to enhance the ambiance and create Instagram-worthy moments that guests will love to share. Branding Integration: I seamlessly integrate your brand identity into every aspect of the event design, from custom backdrops and branded signage to branded collateral and interactive experiences, ensuring maximum brand visibility and recognition. Whether you're planning a corporate event, social gathering, or experiential marketing activation, I will help you create an unforgettable experience that resonates with your audience and achieves your objectives. Let me bring your vision to life and make your next event truly extraordinary.

Within 1-2 weeks

1 concept, 2 revisions

Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design

À partir de US$3,500

Welcome to the world of graphic design branding services, where creativity meets strategy to elevate your brand identity. I`m skilled graphic designer specialized in crafting compelling visual narratives that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression. Here's what I offer: Logo Design: Your logo is the cornerstone of your brand identity. We create distinctive, memorable logos that encapsulate the essence of your brand and communicate its values effectively. Brand Identity Development: Building a strong brand identity goes beyond just a logo. We develop comprehensive brand identities that encompass everything from color palettes and typography to imagery and brand voice, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints. Visual Collateral: Whether it's business cards, letterheads, or brochures, I design visually stunning collateral materials that reinforce your brand's message and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Packaging Design: In today's competitive market, packaging plays a crucial role in attracting consumers. I excels in creating packaging designs that not only stand out on the shelf but also communicate the unique selling proposition of your product. Branded Marketing Materials: From social media graphics and advertisements to signage and banners, I provide branded marketing materials that enhance your brand's visibility and help you connect with your target audience across various channels. Brand Guidelines: To maintain consistency and coherence in your brand's visual identity, I develop comprehensive brand guidelines that serve as a roadmap for your brand's design elements, ensuring uniformity in all your communications. Brand Consultation: I offer personalized consultations to understand your brand's goals, values, and target audience, allowing me to tailor design solutions to meet your specific needs and objectives. I believe that great design is not just about aesthetics; it's about telling your brand's story in a way that captivates and engages your audience. Let me help you elevate your brand to new heights with our expert graphic design branding services.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 2 revisions