Simulating Physiology in a Product: Students designed an object that explores movement in relationship to the body and a product. It did not need to solve a problem and it could be purely speculative.

Proposition. The challenge is to design and make a simple and conceptual dynamic product (that fits onto your… 閱讀更多
Simulating Physiology in a Product: Students designed an object that explores movement in relationship to the body and a product. It did not need to solve a problem and it could be purely speculative.

Proposition. The challenge is to design and make a simple and conceptual dynamic product (that fits onto your body), using soft materials available in the J850 3D printer. Exploit the capability to make small models that will be flexible, colourful, expand/contract and be animated using liquid or air and very simple syringe pumps. The Precedent for the proposition is Nicole Hone’s Tangible Animation Product ideas: Research areas of interest for a future product. Futuristic forms, medical devices or communication tools may be starting points.

Scenarios to choose from • Future scenarios (Movie, Sci fi) • Contemporary (medical, jewelry) 閱讀較少
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