Mortise, means a recess cut into a part which is designed to receive a corresponding projection (a tenon) on another part so as to join or lock the parts together. Our goal of design is also to connect business to society seamlessly to present each brand's personality and value. Mortise design based in Tokyo and H… 閱讀更多
Mortise, means a recess cut into a part which is designed to receive a corresponding projection (a tenon) on another part so as to join or lock the parts together. Our goal of design is also to connect business to society seamlessly to present each brand's personality and value. Mortise design based in Tokyo and Hong Kong. Main branding services, packaging design, graphic design and illustration.

「Mortise」は「ほぞ」を意味します。「ほぞ」とは日本の建築に設けられる伝統的建築技法です。別々の木材同士を「ほぞ継ぎ」で繋ぎ、組み合わせ、支え合わせた結果、木材達は強固で美しい建造物となります。私達が目指すデザインはこの「ほぞ継ぎ」のように西洋と東洋の文化を繋ぎ合わせ新たな価値を生み出すデザインです。モォーティスデザインは企業とデザイン、商品と人、文化と歴史、そして人と人。異なるもの同士を繋ぎ、融合させることでこれからの時代への新たな価値の創造を目指します。 閱讀較少
建立日期: 舉報