Mike Grazick

Lilburn, GA, USA
Illustration and Design. I live for this. Most people use just one pencil to draw with, those that just doodle. I take this to the extreme, illustration with 12 to 20 pencils for just one illustration. On the other hand, I draw on the computer, rendering digital illustrations and designs, mostly in Adobe Illustrator. Vectored images, portraits, and paintings I can do with Illustrator.
Please feel free to contact me about payment and rates.

Work Experience


Illustrator and Graphic Designer.

I am a freelance Illustrator, and graphic designer. I produce portraits, illustrations, vehicle wraps, t-shirt designs, business cards, logos, and any other item you need to convey your business and message to.
Augusta, Georgia, United States


Augusta Technical College

Associates degree in Media Production and Technology

I completed a degree in Media Communications Production Technology at Augusta Technical College, with my focus on digital illustration.
Augusta, Georgia, United States


Adobe CS4, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Hand Drawing, Creative Cloud, CS6, Illustrator CC, Intous Tablet, Wacom,


Many of my digital illustrations are completed in Adobe Illustrator. I draw out the contour lines of the shape, the figure, or for the portrait that I am working on. After this section is completed, I begin to fill in the elements with color, and gradients, or various filters I may need. I will often complete my work with the use of painting in Illustrator. This process, I use a WACOM Bamboo tablet to do this. That is my work flow.