Ian Pinkis


Valencia, Spain
Experience as an illustrator and convention artist as well as a colorist.
Experience with merchandising, designing and illustration a lot of different products as well as managing my own shop.

Work Experience

Embajada De España En Hanói (Vietnam)


Encargo para el diccionario de términos LGTBI+
April 2022 - April 2022

Ediciones SM


December 2021 - December 2021 Spain


Conventions table

Having and managing my own stand on different conventions.

Salón del Manga/Japan Weekend de Valencia
Japan Weekend Barcelona
Japan Weekend Madrid
Ficzone Granada
KBOOM! Barcelona
Sushi Splash Mislata
Pottercon Vila-Real
November 2016 - Present Spain


Illustrator of a storytelling

Illustrator of a series of animals and backrounds for a storytelling.
2015 - 2015 Spain

Rubén Arcos Artista Fallero

Lineart and colorist

Lineart and colorist of the sketches from the artist of various Fallas.
2014 - Present Spain

Jose Gomez Artista Fallero

Lineart and colorist

2014 - 2017

Team Sushi

Guest Artist at Sushi Splash

Guest artist at the convention Sushi Splash at mislata(Valencia) that consisted on:
-Having a booth with my art and products.
-Doing a talk for begginers about being a convention artist.
-Participating on a round table about art.
July 2018 - July 2018 Spain



Illustrator of different designs for guides and products.
August 2016 - Present Spain


Easd Castellon

CFGS Ilustración

Valencia, Spain


Español (Native),
Ingles (Fluent),
Catalan (Fluent),