Carlos Lopez

Senior Graphic Designer

San Diego, CA, USA
I am a highly motivated and resourceful art director. I translate marketing business objectives into compelling and effective solutions that work across multichannel applications.

I am passionate about the creative process and being in a creative leadership role. I possess a strong work ethic and lead by example to foster an environment that supports creativity and collaboration.

Work Experience

American Specialty Health

Graphic Design Manager / Art Director

Work closely with creative director, other designers, and copywriters in developing multichannel campaigns for external and internal clients. Manage and lead a talented design team with a wide range of capabilities (print, web, email, PPT, and video). Conceptualize and art direct photo shoots to support internal and external multichannel campaigns. Clients include: ADP, ExxonMobil, Ingersoll Rand, PepsiCo, BAYER, Exelon, AAA, among others.
April 2016 - December 2017

The National University System


ART DIRECTOR (GRAPHIC DESIGNER III) (2010 – Present)—Collaborate with creative director to conceptualize, design and strategize multichannel marketing campaigns. Work closely with copywriters throughout the creative process. Coordinate with project manager and traffic coordinator to oversee team's projects. Manage and art direct a team of junior designers. Work effectively with external vendors and internal colleagues to complete projects within time frame. Conceptualize and art-direct photo shoots. Handle all aspects of print production process.

GRAPHIC DESIGNER II (2007 – 2010)—Develop, from concept to completion, effective visual communication solutions including ads, posters, brochures, annual reports, and identity systems for the National University System and its affiliates.
May 2007 - Present California, United States

SDSU Research Foundation

Graphic/Web Designer, Illustrator

GRAPHIC DESIGNER (1999 – 2007)—Translate concepts into visual communication pieces. Collaborate with writers, curriculum developers and evaluators to design posters, diagrams, presentations, identity systems, and other educational items for national distribution.
Create technical and conceptual illustrations to visually enrich and support physics educational programs. Prepare presentations using PowerPoint, Flash, and Adobe Acrobat. Maintain a detailed electronic archive of artwork produced. Effectively manage multiple tasks, often under tight deadlines. Coordinate print production with vendors.

WEB DESIGNER (2004 – 2007)—Develop web sites and interactive tutorials in accordance with current usability standards. Coordinate all phases of web production including concept development, project workflow, information architecture, interface design, and coding (XHTML, CSS, light JavaScript). Manage production team of freelance web developers. Collaborate in maintaining websites.
June 1999 - May 2007 California, United States


Designer, Illustrator

Design identity systems, print collateral, web sites, and technical and conceptual illustrations for a variety of clients in education, technology and medical industries.
June 1999 - California, United States


San Diego State University (CSU)

Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design

1996 - May 1999 California, United States


English (Fluent),
Spanish (Fluent),



Excellence in Design: Bronze Award for National University System, Annual Report



Advertising – Advertising Campaigns: GOLD



Award of Excellence: Bronze for Vision Magazine



Student Recruitment Publication Packages: Gold: National University System, National University School Brochures



Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, CSS, Microsoft Office, Photo Manipulation, Technical Illustration,

Technical Expertise

Expert knowledge of Adobe CreativeCloud Suite (Illustrator, PhotoShop, InDesign, Bridge), Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Microsoft Office, XHTML, CCS and light JavaScript. Extensive knowledge of online collaboration software and project management iMeet® Central.
Experienced in pre-press production and offset printing. Proficient in both Mac and Windows environments. Photography enthusiast. Excellent technical Illustration skills. Fully fluent in both English and Spanish.

Personal Interests

I'm passionate about music, art and nature. I have been playing guitar for over 20 years. I'm an avid mountain biker and really enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it is riding, camping, hiking or exploring new places. I also enjoy photography and often carry my camera where ever I go.