Andrea Leite Marques

Dublin, Ireland
"If I am not by myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And, if not now, when?"
(Rabbi Hillel)

Work Experience

SITA INC Ireland (formerly Eland Technologies LTD)

Senior Business Analyst

April 2000 - 2006 Dublin, Ireland

American Express

Senior Key Facilitator

Started as a Travel Counselor.
April 1991 - February 2000 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pan American World Airways

Reservations and ticketing office agent

In parallel to my job in that operational area, I also developed a graphic project for a collection of promotional flyers on Pan Am new routes and products, for the company’s marketing department, and also the layout for the invitations to the show “A Flight Of Fantasy”, sponsored by Pan American on behalf of the Jackson Memorial Hospital Trauma Centre in Miami, Florida.
1988 - 1991 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Blue Man

Design intern

I am not sure about the exact dates since it overlapped with some freelance activities, but I did work on pattern design for beachwear clothing under David Azulay supervision.
1985 - 1987 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Graphic designer

1978 - 1990 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


ESDI - Escola Superior De Desenho Industrial

Bachelor of Industrial Design

March 1981 - November 1984 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Portuguese (Native),
English (Fluent),
French (Advanced),
Spanish (Conversational),


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CC, Animal Art, Digital Works, Watercolour Techniques,

Freelance Activities and Exhibitions (1990 onwards)

- Development of a series of seven portaits of resident bats for the Bat World Sanctuary, Texas, USA.

- Design of logo for CJIgnition, a travel consulting company in Dublin.

- I was interviewed by the Swiss magazine Tierwelt (journalist Niklaus Salzmann), on my digital collages with Bella, and published on May 28th.

- My digital collages are published in the "Tangible" magazine, edited by Gillian Hammill, Dublin, in an article called "La Vita è Bella".

- I start doing jewellery design, mostly as a hobby. Pieces are one of a kind, never repeated, and I mostly use Murano glass and vintage beads in this work.

- Illustrations for the book “Pessach”, by the Rabbi Nilton Bonder, Imago Publishers.
- Development of a series of packages for food products, c/o Danio Braga, Enotria Restaurant.

Training Courses

2016 (June) -Specialist Certification in Adobe Illustrator, IACT, Dublin.

2015 (May) - Specialist Certification in Adobe Photoshop, IACT, Dublin.

1987 - Studied children's book illustration techniques with Gerson Conforto in his atelier, Rio de Janeiro.

1985 (November) - Air Brush Techniques with Marcos Brillanti, R.J., November 1985.

1983 - Extension Course: Art, Image, Technology and Project Development - A Study on the Useful Form with Roberto Verschleisser & Frank Barral, Museu Histórico Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

1981 - Extension Course: Comic Strips - Theory and Practice Prof. João Coentro, Museu Histórico Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

1974 - Drawing and Painting technique lessons with the artist Abelardo Zaluar studio, Urca, Rio, Brasil.