Illustration work Most of them are part of my live sketching!!
Illustration by - Twinkle Mago
Everyday i came across people in metro who make me realise love can make you stronger in any situation of life...I noticed people supporting their loved one’s in metro.
In my series of live sketching #Metrowalalove 💕 is not just about love between couples. It’s actually about two individuals supporting in difficult times. They can be your mother, father, friend, siblings any one who Find a way to hold on in difficult times to make through it... 
During this quarantine. Give sometime to your loved one’s. Put your phones, books aside and try to see people around you...
"Find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hold you at your weakest."
And thank the people who stood with you in difficult times...
Find them, Admire them, stay together!
Stay safe, stay home!!
Our Modern Pinjara
Illustration by- Twinkle Mago
Being an enormous fan of Rupanzel and tangled since childhood. I always dreamed about her long beautiful hair. But did we forget, because of her beauty she was prisoned in her own house.
Even today girls are restricted in society’s norms. Don’t wait for your prince to rescue you, be your own hero and break all walls(pinjara) even if they are stronger than your strength but would be too small in front of your courage. I notice some of the girls still don't have freedom to make their own decisions. Whether is it to take permissions for small things from her parents, In-laws or husband to do what she loves doing. Always think what society has to serve on her plate. 
Why is it the women suppressing their feelings just to satisfy and gain the approval of living an acceptable life in the society?
Here she is trying to escape from the bondage going towards freedom but people from society are holding her back by pulling her bread(hair) this rupenzel’s hair are destroyed and lost her beauty and turned into her own bondage as rope, rough, lifeless hurting her due to which she is bleeding.
Who is this rupenzel, can be your mom, sister, friend, beloved or you... Try to look around for your rupenzel/tangle fighting for her decisions in today’s modern society?
Live sketching!!


Live sketching!!

These are my live sketching during my travelling to office!!
