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Cosmetic Surgery: 7 Common Myths Debunked

There's probably no polite way to say this but when it comes to cosmetic surgery misconceptions, the Internet is rife with misinformation. I'd know because when I was looking into cosmetic surgery procedures for myself, I discovered a lot of assumptions I had were simple not true.

With more than USD $16 Billion spent on cosmetic surgery and an increasing adoption by the male population, cosmetic surgery is definitely on the rise.

Here are a 7 popular myths debunked.

1. Cosmetic Surgery Is *ALWAYS* Invasive

A cosmetic procedure does not always lead to surgery. This is a common belief that has kept many away from seeking even a consultation.

The truth is that there are many non-surgical cosmetic procedures that are used to improve the appearance of creases, the nose and much more. One good example is non-surgical rhinoplasty, like that offered by Victorian Cosmetic Institute. Non-surgical rhinoplasty entails the use of dermal fillers which help to straighten the nose or to increase its height. It is a great option because it is a non-invasive procedure.

The downside, however, is that non-surgical rhinoplasty is not permanent and the procedure will need to be repeated after some time. Many people try this option before they proceed with surgery to tell if the changes are worth it.

2. Cosmetic Surgery Is New

Plastic surgery may be one of the world's oldest healing arts. There is documentation of the use of surgical means for correcting facial injuries dating back more than 4,000 years.

The use of breast implants is more than 120 years old. Eyelid modifications were first introduced in Japan 115 years ago. Breast reduction and rhinoplasty are even older. Cosmetic procedures represent a desire by humans to improve their beauty.
3. Liposuction Is An 'Easy' Way To Lose Weight

Wouldn't it be nice to take a pill or to go under the knife and suddenly, without much effort at all, lose 100 pounds?

Losing weight is a complex process that should not be rushed. Whilst liposuction can extract excess fat from certain areas, regular physical exercise and a nutritional diet will provide more consistent result. That is, if you continue to eat poorly and maintain a sedentary lifestyle, you body will replace the fat cells post-surgery.

Always consult a medical practitioner when it comes to making changes to your body.

4. You Cannot Breastfeed If You Have Breast Implants

Most mothers who have had breast surgery can breastfeed, at least to some extent. Even without breast augmentation, many mothers have difficultly breastfeeding naturally with many mothers feeling ashamed and depressed that they are unable to breastfeed.

There are a number of breast augmentation techniques and the type of incision made during surgery can affect breastfeeding. Similarly, the area where your implants are placed may also affect your ability to breastfeed. As long as the surgery doesn't involve the ducts of the areas of your breast involved in milk production, your ability to breastfeed your baby should be fine.

If you are unsure of what type of procedure you had, contact your plastic surgeon for details.

5. Botox Will Give You A Stiff Face

Anti-wrinkle injections (commonly referred to as Botox) contain purified form of the botulinum toxin that freezes muscles. These neuromdulators contain a regulated amount of the toxin which blocks nerve signals in the injected muscles. This in turn temporarily paralyses the muscle, thus softening, reducing or even removing lines or wrinkles.

A quick Google search for celebrity plastic surgery disasters will yield all sorts of case studies for over-the-top cosmetic surgeries and this lends to the myth that Botox will give you a stiff face.

In the hands of an experienced professional, your face will be kept in balance and you will still retain expression in your face.

6. Cosmetic Surgery Is Only For Old Women

About 1 in 5 of all cosmetic procedures are carried out on people who are older than 55 years of age. In fact, more men are getting cosmetic procedures done. Data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons signals that men from all walks of life are going under the knife. The trend reveals that men aren’t immune to pressures to look good and that having work done is becoming less of a taboo in society generally (source: Vox). For example, in addition to anti-wrinkle injections, an increasing number of men are opting for gynaecomastia surgery, according to Dr Gavin Chan of Victorian Cosmetic Institute.

7. Only The Rich Or Affluent Go For Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic procedures were once very expensive (some still are) so whilst there may be some true to this myth a few decades ago, this is no longer the case. Many cosmetic surgery procedures are not covered by private health insurance, but with advances in technology and increased competition, cosmetic surgery is becoming more affordable. But you should not choose based on the cheapest operator. In fact, choosing based on price can lead to fatal outcomes so always do your homework prior to engaging a cosmetic surgeon! 
Cosmetic Surgery: 7 Common Myths Debunked

Cosmetic Surgery: 7 Common Myths Debunked


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