Surgery is the best option for treating Heartburn

In medical, heartburn is known as gastroesophageal acid reflux disease or even just as GERD. As it is an acid, it can be domesticated by the usage of lifelong medication, yet some people go for surgery. Surgery helps in the stoppage of the acidic fluid from flowing into the oesophagus to the stomach. Nonetheless, current studies have learned doubts about the surgery being long-term effectual as many patients require medication even after the surgery.

What does GERD mean?
Even though a ‘heartburn’ statement in medical terms itself refers to a variety of problems related to the digestive system, actually describing the symptom called gastroesophageal disease. In this state, the acid in the stomach refluxes into the oesophagus from the stomach.
Heartburn is basically a harsh or a burning uproar around the ribs or just around the areas of your neck. This sensations rise from the chest and then into the neck and throat. In the United States, many adults experience this burning condition under normal circumstances. Symptoms may include regurgitation, vomiting, chronic coughing, and difficulty in swallowing or wheezing.

What causes the disease GERD?
When you intake food, it travels down from the mouth into your stomach, crossing the tube known as the oesophagus. The oesophagus has a small ring made of muscle at the bottom end called the LES (lower oesophagus sphincter). It acts like a single-way valve that allows the food to go down into the stomach. Usually, the valve tends to close as soon as the food passes by or is swallowed to prevent the high acid containing juice to fall in the oesophagus.

GERD takes place when LES is not able to function acceptably and allows the fluid to flow down and burn the oesophagus. This inflames and irritates the oesophagus and then causes heartburn, eventually damaging the oesophagus.

Multiple Treatment Options:-

GERD or Acid Reflux is normally treated in the following three stages:

1 - Changing lifestyle
In many conditions, a change in diet and when a proper intake of antacids is followed, it reduces the harshness and frequency of your symptoms. To Reducing or to quit smoking, losing weight, eliminating alcohol consumption, and a change in sleeping patterns may help a lot.

2 - Drug Therapy
If the symptoms of the disease still do not wear off, the patient has required drug therapy. Medications and antacids help in reducing the production of stomach acid. Doctor’s prescription drugs are more effective in reducing the irritation and relieving symptoms. Yet discussion with your therapist or surgeon is a mandatory step.

3 - Surgery
Surgery is not recommended until the patient complaints about serious Acid Reflux complications such as inflammation in the oesophagus due to stomach acid, which leads to ulcers or bleeding. Damaging tissues causes scars, makes it difficult for one to swallow and contracts the oesophagus.

Surgery is usually the very last resort for GERD. When your doctor fails to the control of the acid reflux by changing lifestyle or drugs, a surgery suggested. Although surgery gives you the advantage to skip the life-long medications all-together; you will also find several surgical treatments and choose the best suits your condition to gain relief from the symptoms and complications.

-> Laparoscopic antireflux surgery: - The standard surgery for GERD is Laparoscopic antireflux surgery. It helps to reinforce and tighten LES – the muscle that fails to function effectively and causes GERD. The upper portion of your stomach is swaddled around the lower oesophagus so that it strengthens the sphincter. Normally, it is carried out as an open surgery yet it can be done as a laparoscopic surgery in which many smaller incisions are used and accessed the oesophagus also making the surgery less invasive.

-> TransoralIncisionless Fundoplication or TIF:- This surgical treatment is performed when open surgery or fundoplication surgery is not suitable. A barrier is created between the oesophagus and the stomach to avoid the acid to reflux.

Several surgical treatments like Stretta Procedure, Linx Surgery, Bard EndoCinch treatment, and more are performed using devices or endoscope. The outlook of surgeries performed for GERD is mostly found to be successful. Many new surgeries that are rarely performed their long-term success cannot be determined yet.

Symptoms of GERD

Symptoms of GERD

Gerd treatment, surgery, GERD Doctor, Surgeon


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