Title:   "Tapping back in Memory I"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  5 inch x 7 inch
Title:   "Happily Abandoned"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  5 inch x 7 inch
Title:   "Waste of Space"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  5 inch x 7 inch
Title:   "Push me so I can Fly"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  5 inch x 7 inch
Title:   "Tapping back in Memory II"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  5 inch x 7 inch
Title:   "Rusted Reality"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  3 feet x 5 feet
Title:   "Ghosted"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  2 feet x 3 feet
Title:   "In the Backyard"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  4.5 feet x 3 feet
Title:   "See-Saw"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  5 inch x 7 inch
Title:   "Reconstruct"
Medium:  Oil on Canvas
Size:  3.5 feet x 1.5 feet
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My body of work roots from the APS Peshawar attack, where I investigate the post-trauma of the school shooting. “We will never forget”, they sai Read More


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