Rio Grande Dental's profile

Three Satisfied Clients Give Their Reviews

Based in Juarez, Mexico, Rio Grande Dental is an international clinic offering US-level-quality work at a fraction of US prices. Over the course of its existence, Rio Grande Dental has served over 8,000 patients. Here is what three of them said about the clinic: 

-John Braswell from Athens, Georgia, needed extensive work done on his teeth. He required implants and three crowns. After the procedure, he expressed gratitude to the clinic’s team, from the driver who picked him up to bring him to the center, to the friendly nurses, and finally to the experienced dentist who made him feel right at home. 

-Ted Thompson from Louisiana credited the dental clinic’s doctors for being very professional, which put him at ease throughout his procedure. He was happy to regain his dental health and, in particular, his ability to eat without effort, something that significantly boosted his self-confidence. 

-J.D. from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was impressed by the clinic’s use of state of the art equipment to perform dental procedures. He also complimented the facility’s staff for their friendliness and their ability to perform procedures professionally while maintaining a quick turnaround time.
Three Satisfied Clients Give Their Reviews

Three Satisfied Clients Give Their Reviews
