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Card sorting and user flow

Card sorting and user flow
This was done in planning for an online tutorial, as part of the Adobe Generation Pro course, "UX and UI Design & Prototyping." The cards describe the tasks I plan to incorporate in a real-life project. I used Padlet, a tool where users gather and rearrange chunks of on-screen content. I made clones of a screen where text “cards” of text were randomly arranged (first image below), and then asked volunteers to order the text in a way that made sense to them (next three images).

I came into the exercise with an idea for a logical sequence but my testers produced different ways of approaching things. I had envisioned an overall flow of Learn > Apply > Reflect > Share. My results suggested that this would make more sense: Learn > Reflect > Apply > Reflect > Share. When I went to create a user flow, I ended up with a sequence of three cycles. A simple screen capture from Adobe XD didn’t reflect that, so I added arrows to the image.

My tutorial will have a definite sequence that learners are expected to follow. This may seem restrictive, but in the overall program learners have a great deal of control.
Card sorting and user flow

Card sorting and user flow
