Previously I wrote about harmony, and that time I praised it too much that my praise fell under the category of flattery.
But once again contemplating about the benefits of the harmony, I started feeling otherwise, as one famous saying from the back seat of my subconscious mind takes driving seat at my conscious mind.
" When we all think alike, no one thinks much."
And then I started delving into the polar points of view of my previous favorite the "harmony". So who will be the opponent to the harmony, apparently enough, the "conflict".
We, more often than not, hear from different learned people that the conflict is the biggest impediment to any progress. But I beg to dissent here with this perspective.
Rather, I would say, conflict gives a signal of something veritably constructive. And that is " multifariousness ". So, if everything is going smooth and there exist no resistance, that is, for that matter, alarming. A homogenous and smooth process signals everyone is thinking alike or no one is thinking at all. Thus, what we consider as harmony, may actually be negligence.
Moreover, just to avoid conflict people may be tended towards group think, and could eventually give a prominent status to their own convenience over holistic approach of improving organization.
So if we are overwhelmed with wads of conflicts happening around us, and feel browned off adjudicating them throughout the day, we need to look at the lustrous side of the conflicts.
And, that is people are not thinking alike. Hence, people are flexing their nerves and using their sapience before accepting anything.
Aftermath of these conflicts is what, that everyone is seeking in contemporary world, and that is innovation. We never know that, when in future, while adjudicating any conflict, a silver line of innovation may manifest from the dark cloud of conflict.
But, the favorable judgment of conflicts given by me so far, does not mean that every kind of conflict is great. It has got a star mark attached with it, that means terms and conditions apply.
And, what are those terms and conditions. So, any conflict will turn out to an organizational advantage if the rationale behind the conflict is not individualistic like personal ego, personal fear or prejudices.
Hence, if reason of a conflict is due to being tended towards holistic approach of improving organization, then it is, for what matter, adding value.
Other than this, conflicts engender following benefits
· Conflict fosters an awareness that problems exist.
· Discussing conflicting views can lead to better solutions.
· Managing conflict is quicker and more efficient than letting conflicts fester.
· Challenging old assumptions can lead to changes in outdated practices and processes.
· Conflict requires creativity to find the best outcomes.
· Conflict raises awareness of what is important to individuals.
· Managing conflicts appropriately helps build self-esteem.
· Managing conflicts well is a sign of maturity.
· Conflicts are challenging.
· Conflicts are exciting.
· Conflicts encourage people to grow.
· Conflicts create opportunity.
Thus, conflict is the struggle that arises when the goal-directed opinions or behaviors of different individuals or groups are opposed to each other. Whether conflict benefits or harms an organization depends on how it is managed.


Benefits of Conflict


Creative Fields