Graphics Communications: A-Level Unit 3 - Personal Investigation
This is one of my final pieces, it shows the effect humans have on animals (hunters specifically) and how they contribute to the increase of endangered species
Graphics Communications: A-Level Unit 3 - Personal Investigation
This is extended from a illustration. This is A3, 3d piece.

First i drew the illustration and then scanned it into photoshop and added colour and detail, i then printed this out A3 and used a scalpel to cut out each individual element (such as the bottles, penguins etc.) after this i used sticky back foam to stick them onto the background which created a 3d raised look.
Fine Art: A-Level

This is large scale piece printed on A1 paper. It consists of sewing, graphics, photography and illustration.

I did a photoshoot of a model consisting of movement (which involved the model to flip her hair and move around) i then printed these not acetate and sewed leaves/petals onto them, then i scanned them into photoshop and added colour as well as patterns and small illustrations to add more detail such as the swirls and faces within t-shirt.
Foundations Art: Unit 1&2 Paper Sculpture

This was created from scans of our drawings we did previously and we were told to create something new, i decided to create a bouquet of flowers as paper is so delicate and the folds and curves (seen above) added to this idea. I found this effective as the previous drawings added contrast, pattern and made it seem more interesting and eye catching that making this using just plain paper. 
Foundation Art: Unit 1&2

Paper cutting, i found this experimentation very fun to create as there are so many things you can create, and the outcome is very effective due to the natural shadows and highlights it creates (looking at the lashes). 

After i created this eye i experimented in the lighting studio using gels. I think the blue gel is more effective as it makes it seem more realistic because it relates back to water and tears, where as the red seems more playful

I think these two put together creates a strong outcome, from my point of view as the blue side links to tears and water and the red side adds to the negative of crying such as pain and feeling upset, so overall i think it is a dramatic and thought provoking piece.
Foundation Art: Units 1&2 - Wire Sculpture 

I found this task challenging but the outcome was more effective than i thought it would be. Due to the wire having a shine, it photographed well and added contrast between the shadows and highlights as well as extenuating these features because of the way the light hit the metal.
Foundation Art: Unit 1&2
Extended work created by editing my photographs and experimenting with layers and opacity using photoshop
Foundation Art: Unit 4&5 - Homelessness
These are two graphics poster i created to bring awareness to homelessness.

(LEFT) I find this piece effective due to it having peoples/the publics negative opinions on the back of the homeless man. It shows what people say  about them behind their backs.

(RIGHT) This is similar to the other in the sense that people label homeless people with these names and negative things, but this poster is from the homeless peoples side they are tough and living rough, this has a strong message behind it meaning that it takes a lot to live of what other people donate and sleep on a concrete floor each night.
Foundation Art: Life Drawing

This is one of my pieces from life drawing. I find these sessions effective as it helped me understand the human frame (such as the joints and muscles) as well as experimenting with different media such as charcoal, pencils, pastels etc.

