My direct mail package has been designed to advertise an upcoming television series that is investigating the importance of religion in shaping our modern culture. The first episode looks at Christianity in particluar Christmas celebrations.
The design of a box within a box suited the concept of removing all the excesses of Christmas and revealing the core. There are three outer boxes made of cardboard and each
one has text questioning why we celebrate Christmas as a society. When the three boxes are opened, they collapse into the shape of a cross. This is effective visual confirmation that religion underlies a large number of things in modern day times even though we do not always realise.
The text on the innermost box suggests that Jesus is the reason for all our celebrations and without his existence things might be very different. There is a candle within this box that symbolises Jesus and the hope and light he spread. Alongside the candle, there is information about the program to engage the sponsor to invest.
When developing the concept to work across platforms I looked into advertising that had layers of information. This led me to lift doors as well as expanding it into print form.
I focused on the comparison of the shape of a cross to the shape of a ribbon around a Christmas gift. This continued the idea that religion underlies our modern celebrations. 
What If...

What If...

A direct mail package designed to advertise an upcoming television series that investigates the importance of religion in shaping our modern cult Read More
