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"Timeless Grace"

"Timeless Grace"

Elevation External Design      
Project by     : GOAT Studio
Location       : AL Mansour, Baghdad, Iraq
Project Year : 2024
The elevation design is carefully balanced, with everything mirroring each other to create a calming look. Most of it is white, which makes it feel clean and light. There are small bits of black metal to make it look more modern and interesting.

There are lots of plants and green areas included in the design to bring it to life. They soften the look of the building and make it feel more connected to nature. These plants are chosen because they can grow well in the local weather, and they're looked after in a way that keeps them healthy for a long time.

The plants aren't just for looks; they also help the environment. By using sustainable gardening methods, they're helping to protect nature.

Overall, this design isn't just about how things look. It's also about making a space that feels good to be in, and that cares for the world around it.
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"Timeless Grace"