Luka Perovic's profile

Elearning Course UI

Engaging eLearners with a modern OVIC course
My team has been asked by OVIC to build their eLearning course targeted for their potential clients, enabling them to understand the discussed subject matter properly with use of engaging visuals with a minimalist approach.
My Role
I led the design, user testing and prototyping for this project. Creating a new layout and researching their brand guidelines for a more authentic feel.
The challenge came from the initial material, which was limited to a .pdf file and had just textual content as well as information on correct responses, paragraphs, and other such elements. Creating the concept from scratch became necessary, needing a thorough examination of the course's complexities and scope.
Early Design
The project began with the creation of a few fundamental layout concepts, which would serve as the foundation for the course's visual identity. Drawing inspiration from reference photos given by the client, I created early design prototypes that captured the desired look and functionality. These original concepts served as a foundation upon which we progressively expanded and improved the entire course experience.
After establishing the overall visuals, I moved on to designing the course's various pages, beginning with the main page. The major goal here was to create an entrance using a dynamic loading animation that progressively revealed the OVIC logo against a visually appealing backdrop. This logo reveal effortlessly brought readers to the extensive CONTENT page, which served as the entrance to all of the course resources.
An overview of the course contents that are suppose to be presented throughout the lessons.
The first portion of the course was dedicated to introducing the Freedom of Information Act. My goal was to provide the material in a clear, simple manner, with each point organized consecutively. This strategy enables learners to focus on each piece of information separately, reducing distractions and improving understanding.
For the sample module page, I concentrated on creating an engaging experience in which information is exposed dynamically, in line with the client's need for more motion to attract consumers. As users progress through the module, information is presented in an engaging manner, backed up by visually appealing images and motion elements. This intentional use of animation not only improves the learning experience, but also assures long-term engagement by attracting users with moving pictures.
For the final page of each module, I created a questionnaire modeled by the structure of famous quiz programs such as "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." The customer particularly requested this method to increase user engagement. Using font and hierarchy effectively, I designed a smooth flow for the reader, directing their attention to the relevant material in an organized way. Each answer choice was purposefully displayed separately, giving people plenty of time to focus on each option as it came dynamically on the screen. This intentional pace not only promotes focus, but it also improves the whole learning experience by encouraging active engagement in the review process.
Elearning Course UI

Elearning Course UI
