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Itco - IT Solutions & Services Nextjs 14 Template

Itco is a versatile Next.js template designed to cater to a wide range of industries, including agencies, businesses, consulting firms, creative ventures, cybersecurity providers, data management specialists, digital agencies, IT services, IT solutions providers, SaaS companies, software developers, startups, and technology service providers. With its appealing color combinations, spacious layout, and minimalist concept, this design creates a captivating look that can mesmerize everyone’s eyes. Additionally, this template is organized nicely, which can increase your credibility.
Itco works with TypeScript, Zustand, and Bootstrap 5x. TypeScript makes code safe and better to write. Zustand helps manage the state in a simple way. Bootstrap 5x makes the design look good on different devices and has many ready-made UI parts for easy customizing. Itco also uses CSS3 for modern styling and smooth animations.
Furthermore, Itco is SEO-friendly, helping your website rank higher on search engine results pages.

All Features

NextJs v14+ App Dir.
Bootstrap 5
CSS3 Animations
3 Home pages
17 Pages
Reusable Components
Well Commented Code
Well Organized Layers
Cross Browser Compatibility
Easy to Customize.
Sticky Header
Responsive Layout
24/7 Awesome support

Itco - IT Solutions & Services Nextjs 14 Template


Itco - IT Solutions & Services Nextjs 14 Template
