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What You Must Know Before You Get Implants

What You Must Know Before You Get Implants

Lost teeth can be an issue. Chewing can turn into a challenge. Your speech and smile could also be impacted. Dental implants in Clarkston MI offer a long-lasting answer. But, with so much information, having questions is natural. This blog is here to reveal some insight into what dental implants are. We will also cover the things you can expect if you're thinking about them.
1) What are implants?
You can think of them as artificial roots. It's a small screw made of metal that fuses with your jawbone over time. This creates a strong base for a replacement tooth. 
2) Benefits of dental implants
Natural look and feel: 
Implants feel just like your natural teeth. This can allow you to bite and speak with confidence.
With good care, your implants can last a long-time!
Improved oral health: 
Dental implants in Clarkston MI don't require shinning teeth. They also help preserve your jawbone health by stimulating bone growth.
Increased confidence: 
A complete smile can boost your confidence. It can also help to improve your quality of life.
3) Am I fit for dental implants?
Good oral health is necessary. You should have healthy gums and enough jawbone density. This can help support the implant. Your dentist will conduct an examination. This can allow them to assess your suitability.
4) What happens during the procedure?
It is like a surgery. Your dentist will make a small cut near the missing teeth. After this, they will place the screw in your jawbone. The area will be stitched closed. After this, you'll be prescribed medication.
Next, your jawbone will fuse with the dental implants in Oakland County MI. This healing process takes a few months. During this time, you can wear a temporary restoration.
Once the implant is fixed, your dentist will attach the permanent crown. This will complete your new tooth.
5) Things to consider before getting implants
Dental implants in Oakland County MI can boost your oral health. They may be more expensive than dentures. However, their longevity can make them cost-effective.
Recovery time:
There will be some healing time after the placement of dental implants in Waterford MI. Your dentist will give instructions on caring. They can also help you reduce your discomfort.
Dental implants need the same care as your natural ones. You need to properly brush your teeth. You also need to go for routine dental check-ups.
To conclude
These were some of the things you need to know when getting dental implants in Waterford MI. You need to consider the cost and recovery time. You also need to get some information about the upkeep. The primary benefit is that they are dependable. This can assist with improving your oral health.

Maddy is the author of this article, if you want to learn about dental implants in Waterford MI you can visit to
What You Must Know Before You Get Implants


What You Must Know Before You Get Implants


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