This is another website that was made called Enterprise Solution Development. YATA is not just another Telemedicine app, it is Yet Another Telemedicine App, hence the name. The main goal of this application was to provide a solution for clinics to have telemedicine consultations with patients. It also helps to organise appointments for doctors for ease of use. Nurses have the authority to approve or reject appointment cancelations and can also gain a clear view of what meidcation is short on inventory before resupplying. 

A total of 3 different front ends were coded for this mod, namely the patient, doctor and nurse. It was programmed using next.js, react and tailwind, all industry standard programming languages that had to be self-taught. This application is currently still in the process of being deployed to cloud, so for now here is a video going through several interesting scenarios that can be run on the application:

Youtube link to scenarios: https://youtu.be/3570YkLAqjE

