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Ben's Christmas Journey

Ben's Christmas Journey
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Ben is now 8 years old and he considers himself a grown up and independent boy. His favourite holiday of the year, apart from his birthday, is Christmas. On the eve of the holiday Ben left home to enjoy a winter walk and the Christmas atmosphere. It’s late afternoon, his favourite time of day, and the walk has just begun. But it’s going to be a long walk, and I invite you to join him. It’s a journey we’ll take together, Ben and I. Ben will be the guide to my childhood memories, experiences and feelings.
I don’t promise the adventures that happened to the character in the iconic movie “Home Alone”, but Ben will get a closer look at a lot of things, be in interesting places and experience incredible and new experiences.
So Ben saw a big and beautiful Christmas tree. It was incredibly beautiful even without lights and decorations. The branches were covered with snow, and the needles were frozen and looked like crystal. Ben wanted to touch them. And Ben, like any eight-year-old boy, loved mischief and couldn’t deny himself the pleasure of making faces as he looked at his reflection in the big, beautiful Christmas tree ball!
In the square where the Christmas tree stood, there was a huge and majestic cathedral. The doors of the cathedral were open to everyone. There was beautiful music coming from the cathedral and Ben was curious to look inside. It was incredibly beautiful! The high arches, majestic vaults, and graceful columns made it feel ethereal! The beautiful voices of the people singing in the choir and the beautiful music added to this incredible feeling. But what struck Ben the most were the lights on the walls and ceiling! It seemed as if the starry sky itself, with its striking northern lights, was spread out above. Everything inside the cathedral seemed to be engulfed in this incredible light! The music, the light and the atmosphere awakened sensations in Ben that he had never experienced before...
One of Ben’s favourite things to do in the Christmas rush was to admire how the city was decorated. The best way to do that is to ride the bus and look out the window. Sitting at the window, warm and cosy, Ben loved to watch the cars driving along the main streets of the city, the people rushing about, and the shop windows and buildings shimmering with coloured lights. But most of all, Ben loved the angels! Those Christmas angels hovering over Regent Street! They seemed to shine their light on the whole city, bringing joy and cheer. And that’s the most important thing about Christmas.
The most popular place in Christmas preparations is rightly considered to be any large shopping mall, which as a real harbour receives a variety of goods and visitors. The bus brought Ben to the shopping mall. Like all children, Ben loves to visit shopping centres. There is always something to see and something to entertain yourself with. Let’s see what Ben finds interesting.
Sugar and spice. I don’t think anything needs to be said here.
Ben was still walking. The evening had long since come, and it was still snowing. After the shopping mall, Ben was near a park when suddenly the snow clouds parted briefly and the full big and beautiful moon appeared. Ben stuck his head up and admired the splendour. It was as if the moon had dressed up for the holiday and was wearing its most magnificent and shining outfit! Snowflakes swirled in the air as if in a dance, drenched in moonlight. Everything around Ben seemed so small to him, and the world seemed to freeze magically. But soon the clouds hid the moon again and the familiar world came to life. What an amazing fairytale moment that was?! He’s surely remember it for the rest of his life!
One of the main traditions that Ben enjoys is going to the market. There you can buy lots of delicious food, drinks, sweets and fruit. Ben’s favourite fruit in winter is tangerines. They are so bright, juicy and sweet! And what a smell they have! All winter holidays are accompanied by the taste and smell of tangerines!
I have two versions. On one Ben came home, and on the other he gets mischievous and tries on a wreath.
What could be nicer than after a hearty festive dinner, treating yourself to a delicious ice cream and watching your favourite Christmas movie?
Night had fallen. Ben had definitely decided to wait for Santa Claus with a present. Under the Christmas tree he laid out pillows and a blanket to keep him warm. But tiredness and sleep washed over Ben and he fell asleep.
Is he dreaming or is this really happening? Who knows...
Thank you for your attention!
Ben's Christmas Journey

Ben's Christmas Journey


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