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10 Easy Ways to Love Yourself Everyday

10 Easy Ways to Love Yourself Everyday - 
Simple, Soulful and Practical

Self-love and Loving Yourself are such common phrases these days. Whoever you meet has their own version of what it means. But what does it truly mean? The answer is that it is a very personal thing. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. So then how do we find out what really works for us? Find out from the 10 Easy ways to Love Yourself to see what suits you.

What does it really mean to “Love Yourself”?

Do you feel like something is amiss in your life? Sometimes even when you have everything, it still feels incomplete? We feel we have everything to make us happy, still happiness is no-where in sight?

Loving yourself starts with acceptance. Acceptance of who you are, how ever you are, where ever you are. Accepting and forgiving yourself for the mistakes you made, or the people you “let down”, loving yourself exactly for who you are today — not for when you land the fancy job, or have a lot of money or have the perfect body.

Sounds difficult, right? Almost impossible!

How can we love ourselves with our flaws, for what makes us ugly or unlikable, or when we haven’t really done much in life at all?
The truth is that we have been made to believe this since we were kids. We have been made to feel that we cannot be loved if we do not have any or all of the things mentioned above. Our life has been filled with comments or taunts from our “well-wishers” and “friends” who told us that we are not worthy of love if we weren’t a “certain way”, that love is CONDITIONAL.

This is the mindset that is keeping us in this space of not loving ourselves.
Remember yourself as a kid? Did you care what you looked like, or wore, or where you lived or what you did when people were watching? NO, you never cared about any of this! And you were happy, carefree! We were taught to care about “what will the others say”, and soon enough, that was the only dialogue running in our heads.

There are so many ways in which we can love and honour ourselves. 10 Easy ways to Love Yourself Everyday is 10 of the easily do-able and most practical ways by which you can practise self-love every single day. Choose any or all of those activities that resonate with you and get started.

Loving yourself is a journey, not a one time activity. It is an ongoing, consistent, continuous process of showing up for yourself everyday. Even when the going gets tough. Especially when the going gets tough! But when YOU love yourself the way you BELIEVE you deserve to be loved, the world is your oyster and nothing can stand between you, your dreams and your happiness. 
10 Easy Ways to Love Yourself Everyday

10 Easy Ways to Love Yourself Everyday
