Escrow Network Group Inc. is a subsidiary of C21 Award who wanted a rebrand that aligned with the five pillars of the company. The rebrand was split among three different teams in our market department. Each with a different designer,I was the lead designer on my team. Who would  then pitch the design to leadership of ENG Inc. 

To begin the process I broke down the pillars into digestible concepts using word association. Once the concepts were chosen. The words were then used as a jumping off points to create the logo’s imagery. Communication, support, growth, and knowledge were the main concepts used when experimenting and designing the logo.

After some revision and conversation with our creative director we went towards a more visual abstraction of communication. The color choices was given to us by the group. I played around with the tone and shade. 

Initial  Concepts

Left: Refined concepts for a company rebrand.  Right top: Initial concepts. Right lower: Final logo.


