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Google ads: how to properly exploit this

Google ads: how to properly exploit this acquisition and traffic lever to develop the business?
Google Ad words (now Google Ads) campaigns began two years after the birth of the world's most used web search engine. They initially had a few hundred advertisers. Today the American giant's advertising turnover exceeds 75,000 billion dollars and the number of pages indexed is around 30,000 billion. Google Ads has become a very powerful tool if you master its workings.
Earn more by referencing better
If you type “buy a car” on your keyboard, you will systematically come across several well-known brands on the first page. These brands HE Tuber work as much on natural referencing (through the quality of their texts as on paid referencing (SEA). Machine learning algorithms do the rest and place the best ads on the first pages.
For this reason, large groups invest tens of millions of euros each year in this type of campaign. Increasingly,  are following this model and devoting a significant portion of their advertising budget to promoting keywords intended to increase traffic to their sites.
Google has a virtual monopoly on Internet searches (more than 90%). The ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) would be on average 200%. In fact, one euro spent on advertising would yield two euros according to Digital Marketing That Drives Results . In addition, one in two Internet users who click on a paid advertisement turn into a customer.

How to make the most of paid search?

Before embarking on a campaign, it is essential to determine coherent objectives:
Develop the number of visits to your site
Gain notoriety
Multiply prospects
This involves working on keywords. Starting with a collective brainstorming is a recommended first step. Then, analyzing each word allows you to determine the most relevant ones with tools like Keyword Planner. The keywords will be chosen based, firstly, on the volume of searches. It is also important to “put yourself in the shoes” of the Internet user to determine their purchasing intention. Finally, a cost per click (CPC) analysis is essential to set campaign limits based on the expected ROI.

Leverage a campaign

If the tool is intuitive, the number of parameters to take into account is important:
The daily budget
The geography of the target audience
The choice of network
The text of the ad
And of course the keywords
The campaign, thus created, must not be forgotten. It requires careful monitoring to meet customer expectations. It is also important not to get lost in the measurement tools offered. For these reasons, SEO professionals are increasingly in demand.

Call on a specialized agency

 core business is the development and monitoring of campaigns. With the aim of giving them optimal efficiency, the agencies are responsible for the overall strategy, marketing tools, campaign management and reporting to the client.
 agency certifications are a guarantee of competence . They are precise and concern the , the metric instruments, the videos, as well as the applications linked to this advertising tool.
Choosing a good agency helps reduce the costs of acquiring new clients. The agency ensures that auctions are optimized by defining the criteria most consistent with the client's activity (age, gender, home, etc.) as well as the best channel to adopt to promote its products.
Google Ads is a very effective lever for boosting your business while developing your turnover. This type of campaign must be associated with good natural referencing. It is a place to invest that is constantly transforming. The advice of experts who dominate these digital skills is more necessary than ever to guide companies in optimized advertising choices.
Google ads: how to properly exploit this

Google ads: how to properly exploit this


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