"Back to the Future". Craft paper cutout and marker.
"A Christmas Story". Roughs done in pencil & pigma liner; coloured digitally.
"A Christmas Story". Roughs done in pencil & pigma liner; coloured digitally.
Based off an episode of "Modern Family". See stills for reference. Digital.
Based off an episode of "Modern Family". Digital.
"A King's Speech". Digital.
Based off one of Carol Burnett's most famous skits involving the "Gone With the Wind" curtain dress. Digital.
Decided to turn the cast of "Scandal" into Muppets. Why not? Marker on paper.
Pencil sketch of BBC's Sherlock & Watson.
Film & TV Homages

Film & TV Homages

Here are a few pieces of art - digital, mixed media, cutout - inspired by some of my favourite films and TV shows.
