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Brand essence heavily impacts the emotional connection

Brand essence heavily impacts the emotional connection of a brand with consumers.
Emotional connection carries a lot of weight. Research conducted by Motista revealed that customers who establish an emotional bond with a brand exhibit a remarkable 306% increase in their lifetime value to that brand.
These emotionally connected consumers tend to engage with the brand for an average of 5.1 years, surpassing the average purchasing lifespan of 3.4 years.
Moreover, they are inclined to recommend the brand an impressive 71% of the time, in contrast to the standard recommendation rate of 45%.
Brand essence is the core of a brand, its DNA. It reflects its character, values, and purpose.
Every interaction you have with consumers should reinforce your brand’s core values and personality. This consistency breeds trust. And trust, my friend, is key to building lasting customer relationships.

Brand essence heavily impacts the emotional connection

Brand essence heavily impacts the emotional connection


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