Joan Colas
Artistic production and media arts
Practical work 1 - Photographic triptych

In this project, I chose to make a self-portrait and to highlight egocentrism, a facet of our personalities that is increasingly present in our current society. Our society forces us to think more and more about ourselves, even if it means losing ourselves in this vision of our personality, making the mythical story of Narcissus who drowns in his reflection a reality in our current lives. My project therefore presents a Self-portrait, a critique of my own personality.

Graphemic variable:
In order to highlight my vision of myself, the strong contrasts of the three images were exploited to the maximum, with the aim of isolating the character and showing his egocentrism. His loneliness and the fact that he is the only element in the photos illustrates his self-centered thinking, his obsession with himself.

Techniques used:
The localized corrector (retouching), neural filters (face retouching using Photoshop's artificial intelligence) (retouching), filters and color and brightness adjustments were applied to each of the images (e.g.: curves and levels). The second image required cut elements (masks and selections to place an image inside the mirror), and the third image also required a selection and a mask (because the brightness was different on certain parts of the image compare to other images). Retouching was also carried out on each photo to allow a coordinated graphic sequence: placed next to each other, we can see that the images complement each other.

Picture 1:
Soft light, which gives a soft result ideal for a portrait.
Side lighting adds depth and texture to the image, creating interesting and flattering shadows. It also creates contrast.
The medium shot framing attracts the reader's attention and highlights the character.

Picture 2:
Soft light, which gives a soft result ideal for a portrait.
Side lighting adds depth and texture to the image, creating interesting and flattering shadows. It also creates contrast.
The medium shot framing attracts the reader's attention and highlights the character.
A wider frame was also used to photograph the mirror, to give a sense of grandeur and mystery (illustrating how the character is lost in his reflection).

Picture 3:
Soft light, which gives a soft result ideal for a portrait.
Side lighting adds depth and texture to the image, creating interesting and flattering shadows. It also creates contrast.
The medium shot framing attracts the reader's attention and highlights the character.
A second mirror was placed in front of the subject, in order to create a mise en abyme and illustrate the character's total disillusionment.




Creative Fields